
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” -Benjamin Franklin

Ever feel like you are given so many great ideas on how to implement digital learning in your classroom only to realize that you feel overwhelmed by it all and have no idea on where to start?

Over the years, schools had started making the transition to involve more digital learning. We were making the transition ourselves at our pace, but due to the recent global pandemic, there is no more taking it slow. Teachers all around the world have been thrown into hyper-drive in order to keep up with the demand of teaching online. Teachers have been given suggestions on what to use in their online teaching, but I feel we are still trying to figure out what is working and what is not. It has forced a lot of us to join various social media groups in order to help us collaborate with teachers around the world in order to better serve our students.

This is just the start of my journey with learning how to develop and use ePortfolios. This site will be evolving along the way, as will I. I will be learning and doing in hopes of being able to model for my students how to begin theirs for next school year. You are more than welcome to join me along the way.

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