Collegial Feedback

Our last week of 5315 and our discussion post is dealing with submitting our Action Research Plan to allow our peers time to give us feedback on it and letting us know how well we addressed the problem. My post is below.

Research Topic/Question

The topic that I have chosen to do my action research over is inquiry-based learning in a high school math class.  I choose this topic because I am an honors math teacher and I have been teaching for fourteen years.  Over the years I have noticed a push for more inquiry- based learning.  I have been intrigued by this style of learning because it allows the students to think on a much deeper level and puts the power of learning in their hands, but I find myself scared to take the leap.  Which leads me to my fundamental research question, “How effective is inquire-based learning in a high school math classroom in developing higher-order thinking skills?

Method of Research

I found that the best method for me to collect data throughout my action research is to utilize the triangulation mixed-methods design.  I will need both qualitative and quantitative research data to help me answer my question.  The bulk of my data will be qualitative, since I found that this data to more beneficial for my research.  The quantitative data will be used to help backup the qualitative data.

Analysis of Data

I will compare the data from this past school year on Common Assessments and the current school year and compare how the students performed on these Common Assessments.   I also plan to provide surveys to them through a Google Form, which I can make their responses anonymous.  I have learned in the past that students will be more honest with you if they know that their identity is anonymous.  I will also take notes in a daily journal on student behavior, engagement, and student conversations through-out the first semester to see if I can see any trends between the two different types of learning.  To help document the research, I will be recording a few lessons so that I can go back and watch to see if I can see or hear any visual clues of higher order thinking present.

Privacy and Ethics of Research

I will make sure that all research carried out is ethical and I will keep the identity of all students private throughout this study.  I will get permission from my principal and the parents to record their children and allow any parent to opt their child out from this part of the research.

Sharing Results

In the end, I will gather all of the data that has been collected and analyze it all to see what the outcome of inquiry-based learning is in the development of higher-order thinking skills.  If it turns out well, I will be sharing my findings with my colleagues and administrators.