Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction

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The topic that I have chosen to do my action research over is inquiry-based learning in a high school math class.  I choose this topic because I am an honors math teacher and I have been teaching for fourteen years.  Over the years I have noticed a push for more inquiry- based learning.  I have been intrigued by this style of learning because it allows the students to think on a much deeper level and puts the power of learning in their hands, but I find myself scared to take the leap.  Which leads me to my fundamental research question, “How effective is inquire-based learning in a high school math classroom in developing higher-order thinking skills?”

I found that the best method for me to collect data throughout my action research is to utilize the triangulation mixed-methods design.  I will need both qualitative and quantitative research data to help me answer my question. 

I will start off at the beginning of the year with three honor math classes.  I will begin introducing them to the concept of inquiry-based learning because will be a new concept to them.   I will have their desk in small groups where they will focus on the lessons using inquiry-based learning. 

I will compare the data from this last school year on Common Assessments and the current school year and compare how the students performed on these Common Assessments.   I will take notes in a daily journal on student behavior, engagement, and student conversations through-out the first semester to see if I can see any trends between the two different types of learning. 

In the end, I will gather all of the data that has been collected and analyze it all to see what the outcome of inquiry-based learning is and to see if it helped in the development of higher-order thinking skills.  If it turns out well, I will be sharing my findings with my colleagues.


  • Before School Starts

    July 2021– I will continue to develop my action plan. I will make sure that I have done ample research to be able to implement inquiry-based learning (IBL) in my classroom. I will gather the needed materials to ensure that IBL can be carried out correctly.

    August 2021– Make sure that the classroom is prepared for IBL. Start grouping desk together to ensure groups are properly distributed. Ensure that I have any materials needed at each group of desks.

  • Start of School

    First Week of School– Get students properly placed in groups. I will have students do a diagnostic test to help me see their abilities and to help with group placement. It is recommended to have no more than four students to a group. I will stay in the two to four range.

    First few weeks of School– Get students acclimated to IBL. This is going to be a new way of learning for most students. We will ease into this and get them use to asking each other for help. I will ensure the classroom is comfortable and the students feel welcomed.

  • August-December

    Data Collection and Analyzing Stage– I will journal any conversations that I can hear students having with each other and I will also journal any conversations I have with students. I will also record a few lessons to have video documentation too. I will also be monitoring test scores during this time too. I will send out surveys for the students to fill out and I will also have students that I interview.

  • January-March

    After analyzing the data, I will share with my colleagues my findings. I will also use this time to write my action research paper.

  • April-May

    Reflection– I will use these months to reflect over the entire process of inquiry-based learning and see what I can do to improve an of the aspects. I will go over all of my notes. Reflection is an important step to this process. Once we reach this stage, it is not the end. Action research is cyclical and the process will start over with improvements that have been made.