About the Author

Welcome to my site!

Hello! My name is Ericka Richard and I am currently in my fourteenth year of teaching high school math. Believe it or not, teaching is my second career. Once I graduated high school, I began working in the law field to help pay my way through college. As I was working as a paralegal I began tutoring students in math and I watched them grow more confident in their abilities to do math. I thought to myself, if I can do this with a few kids, why not try to do it for a lot more? There started my journey to becoming a teacher.

Fast forward a few years. I have been married to my wonderful husband for eight years now and between the two of us, we have five children and two beautiful granddaughters. On the teaching side, I was named Teacher of the Year in 2011, and I was nominated as the Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2019. I have been a part of numerous committees and I was the head of the math department for six years before I moved districts. I coached powerlifting for eight years, and I am currently in my second year as the tennis coach.

This past school year has definitely been one for the record books. We have been living life through a pandemic, my community was struck my two hurricanes, and most recently an ice storm. Teaching through these unprecedented times have proven to be a challenge for most of us. Teachers had to step out of their comfort zones from teaching in person, and begin a whole new adventure in teaching virtually. This is what lead me to begin my journey in getting my Masters of Education in Technology Leadership.

Looking back, my interest in technology began at a young age whenever my uncle started working on computers. I am about to date myself, but my first computer was one with the green screen with a dot-matrix printer. I have literally watched the evolution of technology morphs right before my eyes and it has always had me intrigued.

Being able to teach with technology has become an essential part of my job and I am excited about this part of my learning! I will be blogging about my journey and sharing with all of you how Digital Learning and Leading has affected my past, present and future. I invite you to join me in this adventure and share with me your thoughts on the different topics that I will be blogging about.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I am looking forward to collaborating with you all!